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PS: This is not a takedown notice. It's just explaining what happened to the old KickAssAnime.

No, we were not under maintenance! We were taken down!

We hope this message finds you well. It is with a heavy heart that we bring you news regarding the recent events surrounding our beloved KickAssAnime platform.

In the past months, we have faced relentless challenges from entities like Comeso GmbH, Corsearch, and ACE (The Alliance for Creativity and Entertainment). Their unwavering pursuit to take down our servers has been relentless.

Consequently, our server providers have removed all our main servers and backups, including all databases. Despite our best efforts, the pressure has become overwhelming. That is why KAA has changed its look and system, as we have built the new website from scratch, this time incorporating AI tools into the system.

We want to assure you that we have fought tooth and nail to maintain our platform and uphold the values we hold dear. Our commitment to providing a space for anime enthusiasts to come together and enjoy their favorite shows remains unwavering. Unfortunately, the forces aligned against us have proven to be powerful. But we are Kickassanime! A sleeping giant that has been awakened.

Stay connected with us through our official social media channels and alternative platforms that we will be sharing soon. Your solidarity and support are invaluable as we navigate this challenging chapter in KickAssAnime's history.

Thank you for being part of our community. Together, we will face these trials head-on and emerge stronger than ever before.

With much love,

The KickAssAnime Team

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